Salı, Şubat 06, 2007

Macedonia Gives Thumbs Up To U.N. Kosovo Plan

Macedonia Gives Thumbs Up To U.N. Kosovo Plan

February 4, 2007 8:47 a.m. EST
Som Patidar - All Headline News Staff Writer
Skopje, Macedonia (AHN) - Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Saturday that the United Nations plan for Kosovo was acceptable to the Macedonian government. The plan details the final status of Kosovo as an autonomous Serbian province.
After meeting with Kosovo opposition leader Hashim Tachi, Gruevski said: "From what we have seen, we think the document is acceptable to the Macedonian government."
According to the Macedonian MIA agency, Gruevski also stated that the U.N. plan for Kosovo might contribute to the stability of the region, and help the countries of the region in their preparation for the European Union, NATO membership.
On Friday, U.N. special envoy Martti Ahtisarri presented the Kosovo plan in Belgrade and Pristina. The plan was rejected by Serbia.

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